NM Museum of Art Legacy Courtyard Garden
Breaking ground for the redesign and installation of the new courtyard garden at the Museum of Art
The entire courtyard garden was torn up and replanted–financed by the Santa Fe Garden Club
A Growing Legacy
The Santa Fe Garden Club and the New Mexico Museum of Art’s Courtyard Garden
Founded in 1917, the New Mexico Museum of Art was built around a Courtyard Garden. The garden was first tended by the SFGC in 1951. Over the years, dedication to this garden forged a partnership between the Museum staff and SFGC members.
Entering its centennial year, the Museum recognized that 100 years had taken a toll and extensive repairs were required to the infrastructure that would require the near total destruction of the garden. SFGC members rallied to form a committee, establish a budget and appropriate funds for the garden’s redesign and installation. Plans included a modern irrigation system to prevent any future water damage to the offices below. The garden features plants indigenous to New Mexico as well as other hardy perennials and small evergreens. The lawn and enlarged walkway that borders the garden will insure that the space continues to be the center of many Museum events.